155 research outputs found

    On the importance of including vegetation dynamics in Budyko's hydrological model

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    The Budyko curve describes the patterns observed between between climate, evapotranspiration and run-off and has proven to be a useful model for predicting catchment energy and water balances. In this paper we review the Budyko curve's underlying framework and, based on the literature, present an argument for why it is important to include vegetation dynamics into the framework for some purposes. The Budyko framework assumes catchments are at steady-state and are driven by the macro-climate, two conditions dependent on the scales of application, such that the framework's reliability is greatest when applied using long-term averages (≫1 year) and to large catchments (> 10 000 km2). At these scales previous experience has shown that the hydrological role of vegetation does not need to be explicitly considered within the framework. By demonstrating how dynamics in the leaf area, photosynthetic capacity and rooting depth of vegetation affect not only annual and seasonal vegetation water use, but also steady-state conditions, we argue that it is necessary to explicitly include vegetation dynamics into the Budyko framework before it is applied at small scales. Such adaptations would extend the framework not only to applications at small timescales and/or small catchments but to operational activities relating to vegetation and water management

    Impact of CO2 fertilization on maximum foliage cover across the globe's warm, arid environments

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    Satellite observations reveal a greening of the globe over recent decades. The role in this greening of the "CO2 fertilization" effect-the enhancement of photosynthesis due to rising CO2 levels-is yet to be established. The direct CO2 effect on vegetatio

    Assessing and Improving Positional Accuracy and its Effects on Areal Estimation at Coleambally Irrigation Area

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    If management decisions are made with geospatial data that have not been assessed for positional accuracy, then debate about both methodologies of measurement and management decisions can occur. This debate, in part, can be avoided by assessing the positional accuracy of geospatial data, leading to increased confidence (decreased uncertainty) in both the data and the decisions made from the data. In this study, we assessed the positional accuracy of two Geographic Information System (GIS) baseline datasets at the Coleambally Irrigation Area (CIA); high-resolution digital aerial photography acquired in January 2000, and the Digital Topographic Data Base (DTDB) roads data. We also assessed areal error of paddock measurements from an improved accuracy version of the high-resolution digital aerial photography. Positional accuracies were assessed by comparing well-defined features from both baseline datasets (original aerial photography and DTDB roads) to high-level accuracy Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) data for the same features. This assessment showed that neither baseline dataset met the National Mapping Council of Australia’s standards of map accuracy. Consequently, we processed the original digital photography to create an improved dataset, which was over 2.5 times more accurate than the original photography, and over 4 times more accurate than the DTDB data. The improved dataset also met the map accuracy standard for Australia. We also assessed areal error by comparing paddock boundaries delineated from the improved dataset to those delineated from a DGPS associated with paddock soil surveys. The 90% confidence interval measured from the improved data for any individual paddock is approximately at the ± 5% target error set by Coleambally Irrigation Limited (CIL). The 95% confidence interval is roughly ± 6%. Overall areal error of multiple paddocks is much lower than the individual case with the 95% confidence interval for 2 paddocks being from about ± 4% error reducing to less than ± 2% for 8 or more paddocks. Knowledge of both positional and areal accuracies of the improved high-resolution digital aerial photography provides a means to more effectively manage environmental compliance of rice farmers at CIA and gives the CIL justification for making management decisions from this spatial data

    Remote Sensing Of Rice-Based Irrigated Agriculture: A Review

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    The ‘Green Revolution’ in rice farming of the late 1960’s denotes the beginning of the extensive breeding programs that have led to the many improved rice varieties that are now planted on more than 60% of the world’s riceland (Khush, 1987). This revolution led to increases in yield potential of 2 to 3 times that of traditional varieties (Khush, 1987). Similar trends have also been seen in the Irrigation Areas and Districts of southern New South Wales (NSW) as the local breeding program has produced many improved varieties of rice adapted to local growing conditions since the 1960’s (Brennan et al., 1994). Increases in area of rice planted, rice quality, and paddy yield resulted (Brennan et al., 1994). Increased rice area, however, has led to the development of high water tables and risk of large tracts of land becoming salt-affected in southern NSW (Humphreys et al., 1994b). These concerns have led to various environmental regulations on rice in the region, culminating in 1994 when restrictions on rice area, soil suitability, and water consumption were fully enacted (Humphreys et al., 1994b). Strict environmental restrictions in combination with large areas of land make the management of this region a difficult task. Land managers require, among other things, a way of regulating water use, assessing or predicting crop area and productivity, and making management decisions in support of environmentally and economically sustainable agriculture. In the search for more time and cost effective methods for attaining these goals, while monitoring complex management situations, many have turned to remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies for assistance. The spectral information and spatial density of remote sensing data lends itself well to the measurement of large areas. Since the launch of LANDSAT-1 in 1972, this technology has been used extensively in agricultural systems for crop identification and area estimation, crop yield estimation and prediction, and crop damage assessment. The incorporation of remote sensing and GIS can also help integrate management practices and develop effective management plans. However, in order to take advantage of these tools, users must have an understanding of both what remote sensing is and what sensors are now available, and how the technology is being used in applied agricultural research. Accordingly, a description of both follows: first a description of the technology, and then how it is currently being applied. The applications of remote sensing relevant to this discussion can be separated into crop type identification; crop area measurement; crop yield; crop damage; water use/ moisture availability (ma) mapping; and water use efficiency monitoring/mapping. This report focuses on satellite remote sensing for broad-scale rice-based irrigation agricultural applications. It also discusses related regional GIS analyses that may or may not include remote sensing data, and briefly addresses other sources of finer-scale remote sensing and geospatial data as they relate to agriculture. Since a complete review of the remote sensing research was not provided in the rice literature alone, some generic agricultural issues have been learned from applications not specifically dealing with rice. Remote sensing specialists may wish to skip to section 2

    Global-scale regionalization of hydrologic model parameters

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    Current state-of-the-art models typically applied at continental to global scales (hereafter called macroscale) tend to use a priori parameters, resulting in suboptimal streamflow (Q) simulation. For the first time, a scheme for regionalization of model parameters at the global scale was developed. We used data from a diverse set of 1787 small-to-medium sized catchments ( 10-10,000 km(2)) and the simple conceptual HBV model to set up and test the scheme. Each catchment was calibrated against observed daily Q, after which 674 catchments with high calibration and validation scores, and thus presumably good-quality observed Q and forcing data, were selected to serve as donor catchments. The calibrated parameter sets for the donors were subsequently transferred to 0.5 degrees grid cells with similar climatic and physiographic characteristics, resulting in parameter maps for HBV with global coverage. For each grid cell, we used the 10 most similar donor catchments, rather than the single most similar donor, and averaged the resulting simulated Q, which enhanced model performance. The 1113 catchments not used as donors were used to independently evaluate the scheme. The regionalized parameters outperformed spatially uniform (i.e., averaged calibrated) parameters for 79% of the evaluation catchments. Substantial improvements were evident for all major Koppen-Geiger climate types and even for evaluation catchments>5000 km distant from the donors. The median improvement was about half of the performance increase achieved through calibration. HBV with regionalized parameters outperformed nine state-of-the-art macroscale models, suggesting these might also benefit from the new regionalization scheme. The produced HBV parameter maps including ancillary data are available via

    Contribution of uneven warming to the observed wind stilling in North China for 1961-2016

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    This work has been supported by the project “Detection and attribution of changes in extreme wind gusts over land” (2017-03780) funded by the Swedish Research Council

    The impact of forest regeneration on streamflow in 12 mesoscale humid tropical catchments

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    Although regenerating forests make up an increasingly large portion of humid tropical landscapes, little is known of their water use and effects on streamflow (Q). Since the 1950s the island of Puerto Rico has experienced widespread abandonment of pastur

    Advances in the homogenization of daily peak wind gusts: an application to the Australian series

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    Póster presentado en: EGU General Assembly 2018 celebrada del 8 al 13 de abril en Viena, Austria.Daily Peak Wind Gusts (DPWG) time-series are valuable data for evaluation of wind related hazard risk to the population and different economic sectors. Yet wind time-series are prone to be affected by inhomogeneities temporally and spatially (e.g. through change of instruments at a site compared to surrounding sites) that may mislead the studies of their variability and trends. The aim of this work is to present the advances in the homogenization of DPWG by analyzing 548 sites time-series across Australia covering the 1941-2016 time period. Due to the low correlation coefficients between these series, especially in the first decades when the station density is much lower, the average wind speed data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis were tried as reference series. However, their lower correlations with the DPWG data suggests avoiding this approach. We proposed a robust monthly homogenization using the R package Climatol, which detected 353 break-points at the monthly scale. Some of them were supported by the history of the stations, but detailed analysis of the metadata of 35 selected stations did not find a good correspondence since many changes do not necessarily produce inhomogeneities. When NCEP/NCAR reanalysis are used as references, more break-points are detected around 2003, but it is not clear whether they are due to a general change of the DPWG algorithm in the observation network or rather an artifact due to inhomogeneities in the reanalysis series. The monthly dates of the detected break-points were used in a new application of the Climatol package to adjust the series at daily basis, yielding a homogenized and filled DPWG database for assessing the variability of extreme wind events. Resultant trends of the homogenized DPWG series showed the benefits of the homogenization in the form a much lower dispersion of their values.This work has been also supported by the Project “Detection and attribution of changes in extreme wind gusts ove rland” (2017-03780) funded by the Swedish Research Council, and the MULTITEST (Multiple verification of automatic software homogenizing monthly temperatura and precipitation series; CGL2014-52901-P) Project ,funded b ythe Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity

    Assessing the accuracy of blending Landsat-MODIS surface reflectances in two landscapes with contrasting spatial and temporal dynamics: A framework for algorithm selection

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    Blending algorithms model land cover change by using highly resolved spatial data from one sensor and highly resolved temporal data from another. Because the data are not usually observed concurrently, unaccounted spatial and temporal variances cause error in blending algorithms, yet, to date, there has been no definitive assessment of algorithm performance against spatial and temporal variances. Our objectives were to: (i) evaluate the accuracy of two advanced blending algorithms (STARFM and ESTARFM) and two simple benchmarking algorithms in two landscapes with contrasting spatial and temporal variances; and (ii) synthesise the spatial and temporal conditions under which the algorithms performed best. Landsat-like images were simulated on 27 dates in total using the nearest temporal cloud-free Landsat-MODIS pairs to the simulation date, one before and one after. RMSD, bias, and r2 estimates between simulated and observed Landsat images were calculated, and overall variance of Landsat and MODIS datasets were partitioned into spatial and temporal components. Assessment was performed over the whole study site, and for specific land covers. Results addressing objective (i) were that: ESTARFM did not always produce lower errors than STARFM; STARFM and ESTARFM did not always produce lower errors than simple benchmarking algorithms; and land cover spatial and temporal variances were strongly associated with algorithm performance. Results addressing objective (ii) indicated ESTARFM was superior where/when spatial variance was dominant; and STARFM was superior where/when temporal variance was dominant. We proposed a framework for selecting blending algorithms based on partitioning variance into the spatial and temporal components and suggested that comparing Landsat and MODIS spatial and temporal variances was a practical method to determine if, and when, MODIS could add value for blending
